Group Class

Group Classes

  • More fun than working out on your own!
  • Burn 40% more calories and build more lean muscle!
  • Become friends with people who have similar goals.
  • The instructor is in the pool with you, challenging you to push yourself and your limits.
  • Easily reach goals of cardio, weight loss, strength, toning, pain relief, and flexibility!
  • Motivation to keep you on track and engaged during your health journey!
  • Anyone with any fitness level and ability can jump right in and start enjoying all the benefits of exercise!
Sign up for a Class!

Aqua Boot-camp and Water Aerobics

Schedule Aqua Boot-Camp & Aerobics 

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday:

10:00 am - 11:00 am

6:00 pm - 7:00 pm


6:00 pm - 7:00 pm


10:00 AM - 11:00AM

Aqua Boot Camp at Beyond Aquatics is a high-intensity interval training (H.I.I.T.) water fitness program that provides the benefits of a pool, which means little or no impact on joints, burning 40% more calories and building lean muscle faster than lifting boring, heavy, and dangerous weights at a traditional gym. Beyond Aquatics' group classes are tons of fun and done at each individual's intensity level. 

Classes are an hour long and performed in 4 feet of water (you don't need to know how to swim). Each class has a varying series of moves (non-swimming) done to music to keep you motivated. Each class includes warm-ups, cardio and strength-training exercises, and cool-downs.

Aqua Yoga in Warm Water!


10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

More classes are coming soon. Become a member and help us choose new class days!

Aqua Yoga is extremely effective for reducing pain and increasing mobility, balance, coordination, and depression. Stretching is important, and 94° warm water makes for an easier and safer yoga practice with heat loosening the body, water's anti-gravity effects providing a higher degree range-of-motion, and water's resistance-building strength faster than traditional land yoga. Removable submersible platforms, pool exercise bars, and pool wall ledges allow our guests to perform endless yoga poses. Water adds a new dimension to practicing yoga while massaging and supporting your body. Aqua yoga works similar to, but better than, regular or hot yoga because the heat loosens your muscles and reduces pain, giving your body more flexibility and buoyancy, which further provides you with the greatest range of motion available from any yoga practice. Warm Water Yoga is especially beneficial for women during pregnancy.

Prenatal Classes



9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Our prenatal classes call for all of the mommy's to be! In this class, moms will start with a light warm-up and gentle stretches, then move on to getting the heart pumped and blood circulating. Studies show that there is a link between exercising while pregnant, which includes lower risks of gestational diabetes, short labor, and reduced risk of C-section. Speak with your doctor before diving in, especially if you are deemed high risk, are experiencing complications, or have experienced pregnancy complications in the past. 

Benefits Of The Program:

Reduced fall risk

Boosts energy levels

Boosts mood

Prevents excessive weight gain

Improves strength, endurance, and muscle tone

Reduces back pain, constipation, bloating, and swelling

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